
What can I add to the coffee?

Coffee is a special drink the preparation in the observance of precise technology. Nevertheless, this drink gives true gourmets freedom and allows them to create. In particular, this applies to additives that will make the taste and aroma of your favorite drink more vivid and pleasant.

Undoubtedly, the most popular and traditional supplement is sugar. But there are also very exotic and unusual spices for us— alcohol and unique syrups and toppings to the drink.

To make it more fun – alcohol:

A few drops of alcoholic beverages can transform the taste of coffee. The list continues indefinitely with tinctures, sweet liqueurs, cognac, and vodka. The choice of alcohol also depends on the country from which the recipe for unusual coffee came. For example, in Mexico, tequila is added to coffee. Alcohol allows not only to increase the “degree” of a coffee drink but also to give piquancy.

  • Everyone knows about Irish coffee. With the addition of Irish whiskey, Tullamore Dew in the classic recipe;
  • Corretto coffee is an Italian drink. We add a shot of liqueur, sometimes grappa is added, brandy or sambuca is possible;

Kursk (or Kask) is a Norwegian coffee drink with the addition of moonshine and a spoonful of sugar. In English–speaking countries, you can sometimes find the name of coffee in Russian, and as you guessed, vodka to this option. You can experiment with alcohol very boldly. You are unlikely to invent something completely new.


In turn, adding unique syrups with unusual flavors makes the taste of coffee sweeter and softer. There are many varieties: strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, etc. It is noteworthy that the syrups are no more than 1-2 tsp per serving of the drink.

Sugar can also sparkle with bright colors. It is added to a dry turkey and warmed up until a caramel flavor appears. If, due to lack of experience, you are afraid of spoiling the product and the Jeeva, then you can use lump sugar or natural brown.

Chocolate is one of the most popular supplements. Depending on the selected variety, it can make the taste of coffee more delicate (high-quality milk) and give it bitterness (this applies to dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa beans. In addition, do not forget that in many recipes for making a fragrant and refreshing drink, chocolate is used in the form of chips or crumbs – to decorate the surface of a coffee treat.


Fruits perfectly complement coffee, mainly peaches, bananas, and citrus fruits. Most often, it is customary to add natural fruit juice, but sometimes pieces of fruit are added to the drink. If we are talking about citrus fruits, we can obtain an unusual taste and aroma through zest.

In some countries (for example, in Germany, as well as in Latin American countries), forest and garden berries are used for making coffee. Usually, they are ground or crushed with a blender and added to the drink along with vanilla, cloves, and cinnamon. By the way, spices and spices can by themselves. However, remembering that you should only use them in small amounts is especially true with powdered spices. For example, it is known that ginger in dry form is much more aggressive and vigorous than the “horned” root itself.

There are many types of spiced coffee. Most often, oriental spices, because it was from the Arabs and Turks that the recipes for making a drink with crushed coriander and pepper grains came to us. Sometimes the recipe requires the addition of a spicy powder already in the finished glass. But most often, the raw materials are laid in Turku, along with coffee.

A stimulating effect can be adding nuts to a drink. For this caffeine-containing drink, it is best to use forest, walnuts, almonds, or hazelnuts. Most often, they are ground and fried. They are added directly at the stage of brewing the drink in the Turk.


And the most traditional addition is dairy products – cream and milk. When added to coffee, they soften its taste and remove bitterness. We should note that using milk can reduce caffeine’s negative effect on the human body. It is when milk that classic coffee drinks are born, known to everyone – latte, mochaccino, cappuccino.

By the way, drinking and whipped cream for making coffee. With their help, you can decorate the surface of your favorite drink and make it look like a real dessert.

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